bismiLlahi rRahmani rRahim
Do something you cannot do!
Be what you want to be!
I the Name of your Lord
By His help you can!
Yes, you can!
You can be what you are not
What you always wanted to be,
But the dust of life covered it
And the fire almost got extinted…
But not totally!
The embers are still there deep down…
No one can cancel what Allah had written for you
He created you
He guided you
He ordered you now
Take your part in your creation!
It’s not over
You can do more
You can be more
By Allah’s leave.
Contribute in your purification
In your elevation
Be a muslim!
Submit yourself
And do what you are ordered to do
Be the best you can be!
You can’t read, but just read!
You can’t talk, but just talk!
You can’t see, but just see!
Make the change
Be the change
The Most Generous teaches you
And you read
You learn
You live
You fly!